Tag Archives: bestseller

Book Review: The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our StarsDear Friends,

I had the privilege of reading a signed copy of a NYTimes bestseller and TIME’s #1 Fiction Book of the Year.  The Fault in Our Stars was recommended to me months ago by my brother.  This is significant because:  1.  That was before it was popular (he’s cool like that) and 2.  He is admittedly not a reader.

It takes a skilled author to appeal to readers (NYTimes and TIME critics) and nonreaders (my brother and others).  And that’s my biggest praise for the book:  it’s for real people.  Sure, the characters go through things many of us have not.  But through the voice of Hazel Grace Lancaster, all real people can relate.

I often wonder if professional critics over-exaggerate praise to get quoted on the back of the next edition or intensify harsh words to somehow put themselves above the text in review.  But this one’s accurate: “A blend of melancholy, sweet, philosophical, and funny. Green shows us true love…” NYTimes Review.  And the guy who made the back of the book:  “You laugh, you cry, and then you come back for more.”  This is certainly true if you allow yourself to engage with the characters in their wit and in their struggles.  And if you see the book categorized as “Young Adult” don’t be alarmed.  It means “All Adults Who Were Once Young” or “Anyone Old Enough to Be in Love.”

To enhance your reading experience, listen to Explosions in the Sky album All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone.  I’m told this applies any John Green book, but I wouldn’t know just yet.  For more from John Green see YouTube or Twitter, where he and his brother Hank have massive followings.




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