Tag Archives: people

Cinnamon Munchkins

Dear Friends,

This morning I went a bit out of my way to visit Dunkin’ Donuts.  I was excited for this special treat.  After studying the options, I slid over to order.  The girl at the register said, “hi.”  I was a little caught off guard because the “hi.” was quite unwelcoming, but without thinking I promptly responded, “Hi, how are you?” (with my excited, about-to-eat-a-doughnut-and-spend-time-with-God voice).  She didn’t respond other than a blank stare.  I looked at her name tag, which was upside down and scratched enough to make the name illegible.  I kind of forgot my intentions for ordering, but after making it through my coffee and Cinnamon Munchkins request, I paid, not expecting another word (or facial expression).  But as she bent down to get a bag, she said very quietly and matter-of-factly, “Cinnamon Munchkins are the best.”  I found it really exciting that she decided to talk to me and exclaimed, “Yeah, they’re my favorite too!” before considering that (1) I had never tasted Cinnamon Munchkins or (2) I couldn’t remember tasting any other Munchkins for that matter.  When I turned to leave, I was more than two steps away when I heard, “Have a good day!”  (I use an exclamation not to indicate enthusiasm, but rather a positive tone).  And I turned back and smiled.  “You too.”  #victory

I share this for two reasons:

  1. Although I don’t get to hear it, this girl’s story is really important to me.  I care that she is downcast, even if she’s just not a morning person.  I wonder why her name is scratched off.  I wonder where she’s been and what she hopes for.  And I am thankful we connected through our choice in Munchkins!
  2. There have been times I would rather interact with people as a nameless machine.  I liked it because it was more predictable and manageable.  But something amazing has happened and I am free from hiding.  I have found that people are worth the risk.  And that God provides so faithfully and creatively in my conversational weaknesses.



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Dear Friends,

I’ve been thinking a lot about “delight” recently.  Naturally (or artificial-flavored-ly), this word makes me crave Sunny Delight.  Not that it’s so amazing (or is it…?), but the name is sticky – a marketing win for sure.  In fact, if you visit the “About SunnyD” page, it says:  “SunnyD was reverse engineered from the sun.”  #woah #ihadnoidea

I’ve been watching and wondering what people delight in.  It’s really intriguing.  I look for faces that light up in an instant.  Some are more dramatic than others.  There’s the slow-forming grin over a cup of their favorite coffee.  There’s the sudden glee of receiving a snapchat from their best friend.  There’s the intent gaze of a reader consuming their favorite book.  There’s the sweet, sometimes teary, smile of reuniting with their friend many timezones away via FaceTime.  There’s the eyes-closed-head-bob of soaking in their favorite music on the bus.  There are the many faces of people in love.

Not to be creepy, but if someone like me were watching you this week, what would they conclude you find your greatest delight in?  #hopefullynotSunnyD

“I will speak to kings about your laws, and I will not be ashamed.  How I delight in you commands!  How I love them!  Your laws are my treasure; they are my heart’s delight” (Ps 119:46-47, 111).



Fun fact: Delight is also a conference in Portland for brands and professionals who care about making experiences people love, a town in Arkansas, and a gluten free magazine.  Google it.

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Dear Friends,

There’s a personality test called iPersonic going around #digitally.  I think it’s popular because it is free and fast.  But more than that, we long to know ourselves and to be known.

Amazingly, no number of questions can pinpoint us.  We are SO complicated!  Who can fully understand themselves?  Much less others!

This is no accident.  We are all formed by God’s hand.  We are the clay and He is the Potter (Isaiah 64:8).  Please notice:  We are all formed by God’s hand.  There are no cookie cutters here!  We are each individually and uniquely crafted.  Not randomly, but with purpose and intentionality.  Flip back to a previous postcard:  Masterpiece.

Just to be clear, I love these personality things.  Through them, I have gained such confidence and clarity regarding my identity in Christ.  I think the key is to see these “diagnostics” as clues to how God has created you and how He might use you uniquely.  The tests do not define you.  God already defined you.  He knows you better than you.



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The Boom Box Guy

Dear Friends,

Today I ended up walking behind The Boom Box Guy.  Maybe you saw him?  Decked out in 90s garb with a bounce in his step and a big black boom box in his hand, he turned some heads.  His hair was bleached blonde and he sported some colorful high-top sneakers.

I’d kind of like to see the world through his shades.  What motivated the throwback look?  Where’d the boom box come from?  What went into the music selection?  How did the stares from fellow students feel?

Surely there is a story here.  A life behind those shades.  So here’s to you, Boom Box Guy – I don’t know your story, but you made me smile.



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City Life

Dear Friends,

Ever thought about why we have cities?

We need each other.  Ecc 4:9-12.



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